Objective: The main goal of this lab is to learn how separation of binary liquid mixtures is performed. Especially when the two liquids have boiling points varying by about 30° C. Hexane can be separated from toluene in this experiment because of the difference in their boiling points. Since toluene has a higher boiling point, it will left at the bottom while the hexane starts to boil out and collect in the Hickman still. GC measurements help us in determining how accurate our data is by making a graph of the amount of hexane and toluene in each fraction. Also this lab gives experience with semi-micro distillation in order for experiments in the future that might need this purification setup.…
The question of reparations addresses the problem of distributive justice delivered to black American’s for the better time frame of 250 years, through slavery and post slavery. The facetious idea that for all Americans equal opportunity, social and economic benefits along with protection of the law to be a principle of justice for all, was only if you shared the virtue of not being black.…
3. Which one of the following sentences or phrases is most likely to be considered a cliché?…
This should be a reflective piece of writing with focus on your past achievements, current situation and future plans.…
Writing in college is much different because you have to be more structured and formal. College writing comes with expanded vocabulary and going into more detail about what you are writing. I learned this the first week. If I didn’t know how to read and write where would I be? Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. As of today my literacy skills can improve, and I’m working on that today. Literacy is a big part of life and you will come so successful doing this. Looking back into my middle and the beginning of my high school years I wish I had read more and wrote things more and I could be even more successful. I look at myself now and I see how far I have become as a reader and…
Additionally, the newly added writing component tests the students' writing ability, which one cannot do without when it comes to higher education. If a person cannot write well while in high school, he/she will have a rude awakening in colleges when several term papers are due during the same week.…
When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.…
Is reading and writing in college really more difficult than high school? Learning to read and write in high school seems different rather than distant. College reading and writing is extensive and dissimilar in comparison to high school level material. Although others may argue that college writing is harder than high school material, I view it as a different way of writing that needs to be practiced in order to establish the same level of excellence in college writing that we previously had in high school.…
Kopke, Lisa K. Hawkins, Gary A. Troia, and Natalie G. Olinghouse inform teachers about the role of writing in Common Core curriculum and offer advice for its implementation. They first highlight the importance of writing in relation to professional success, and discuss the current lack of students with passable writing skills, observing that Common Core does not sufficiently emphasize writing. The authors next provide strategies to remedy this problem, and close by stressing that they hope the Common Core is not perceived as difficulty but as an opportunity for professional development. The authors’ emphasis on students’ writing skills in relation to Common Core requirements engages the readers’ sympathy with their dilemma. Mo et. all base their suggestions on the ideas, work, and research of many researchers and scholars before them, lending credibility to their article. Before reading this article, I had no idea Common Core’s minimum requirements barely address things like peer reviews and keyboarding, and cursive. I now have a better understanding of the effects of Common Core on English classes, and am left wondering how other subjects are…
As a child, I constantly had my nose in a book. Reading came quite naturally to me, Jane Robinson, and I still carry that passion today. As I grew, I gained another passion; writing. Elementary started my passion through the teachers making the class journal about their lives. These journals helped me to learn to write down my thoughts and keep track of them in chronological order. Writing continues to be a vital part of my education that I enjoy.…
I’ve noticed in college, writing is more about effectively and assertively delivering your argument and backing it up with strong and reliable evidence rather than just following a set of paragraphs and guidelines like it is in high school. This year at work, there were couple of instances in which I had to write a letter to few hospital administrations in hopes of convincing them to participate in specific health related events at ASU and the different types of writing have definitely been helpful in strengthening my persuasiveness. The Project that demanded the most from me would be the second project; the definition essay. Starting the paper, I felt strongly about my topic of choice but as the writing progressed I realized how general my…
Transitioning from high school to college may be hard for some students, whereas it may be a breeze for others. Lawrence McEnerney, director of the University of Chicago Writing Program, and Joseph M. Williams, professor of English Language and Literature, are the Founders of the Writing Program. Together they co-wrote “Writing in College.” Their paper points out many crucial differences between writing expectations of high school teachers and college professors. It also outlines a process on how to promote better writing practices with a strong emphasis on proposing a solid argument with legitimate evidence to back up the claim.…
When I was in high school, I didn’t know the aspects of writing an essay even though I passed the writing part of the OGT test. Writing has always been a strength of mine because I have good handwriting and I’m willing to improve it any way possible. I never knew about citations, in-text citations, and not using the first person. In high school, students usually can turn in anything they have and literally pass a paper every single time. Writing is a very important skill just because it improves communication skills, creative thinking, and how to express ideas.…
My writing experiences are close to none. The only essays I have written have been mandatory for high school classes. I don’t think I have written a paper since I graduated high school in 2009. While in high school I only wrote essay when I absolutely had to.…
My writing style in high school was formal and followed a strict template for writing research papers and all other written assignments. Many of my teachers then left no wiggle room for creative detail nor allowed us to use “I” in any of our papers. They gave my peers and I such highly specific prompts that each of our body paragraphs was almost identical. As a result to the specific prompts, I would typically score 87-95 percent…