First, the APA states that measuring what and how well students learn is an important building block in the process of strengthening and improving our nation's schools. Secondly, test results provide teachers with information on how individual students may be performing and provide feedback. Lastly, high stakes testing provides accountability, and therefore can help identify weaknesses and correct…
A1. Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to inform the audience about the negative impacts that high-stakes testing has on students. At the end of this presentation, the audience will be better informed of the negative impacts that high-stakes testing has on students to aid in their critical testing and educational decisions that impact students.…
In America, standardized testing has become a prevalent method for testing the educational ability of students. Tests such as the SAT for College and the California STAR for elementary and junior high students have been administered since the beginning of the 20th century. These tests are often considered by many as crucial for the academic progression of students into further education, such as an elementary student being promoted from third to fourth grade or a high school senior applying to college. However, standardized tests have setbacks which could jeopardize a student’s future academic progression given he/she fails to pass. Therefore, I believe standardized tests are ineffective at measuring a student’s capabilities and hence interfere with true academic learning.…
High-stakes standardized testing continues to be a controversial topic in the field of education. Parents dispute that the high-stakes Common Core aligned assessments place unnecessary stress onto their children and convert classrooms from learning environments to test prep institutions. Teacher unions have a tendency to support the Common Core standardized curriculum, however, they disagree with required high-stakes assessments, particularly when they are utilized to assess educators (Singer, 2015).…
High- Stake tests, depending on how they are made, can either a positive and negative effect on a child’s education. They are tests that make important decision about students, teachers, schools, and districts and their purpose is accountability. There has been debates on if the high- stakes tests in America are having a negative effect on their children. These tests have been around for a long time and have served as a great way to measure students' knowledge and growth as a whole. Based on some studies, it is clear that the high- stake test should be revised and changed to better evaluate students and teachers' performance.…
Every year, mandated annual exams are administered to students, of all ages, across all 50 states. School districts, school boards and teachers use these scores evaluate student’s academic progress. Separated by state, there are different versions of standardized exams that students are required to take that cover the same basic math, science, and reading skills. Standardized testing is a symptom a disease that lead to a broken education system that is based off the performances of students on a standardized achievement test. These tests are heavily influenced by three causative factors that contribute to students' scores on standardized achievement tests: what's taught in school, an intellectual disability, and the way students learn.…
One might argue that physicians, lawyers, real-estate brokers and pilots all take high stakes standardized tests to ensure they have the necessary knowledge for their job. Kids obsess with passing their test so much that they can’t focus on being a kid. When students get these test back and compare scores with others some might feel worthless and, it separates the smart kids from the ones who scores lower. “Schools selects NWEA as its testing vendor and reports an 80 percent proficiency rate. Now let’s say Worthington City Schools suburban Columbus selects PARCC and reports a 50 percent proficiency rate”…
Standardized testing has been embedded in children from the time they first enter kindergarten all the way through grade school and high school years and finally ending in college and graduate school. It has become so frequent that it is no longer questioned why these tests are necessary, and by the time a person is finally through with school, they have taken an average of twenty to twenty-two tests. Although countless generations of Americans have had to sit through these tests, never have they played such a prominent role in schooling. Usually these exams were used to administer a child’s performance in the classroom and what he or she has learned so far, along with where…
The pressure of succeeding in school is always bearing in a student's mind. Schools today utilize standardized testing to determine whether a student is promoted. For instance, ACT and SAT are examples of how educators view a student’s ability. With that being said, the majority of a student's diligent work is dedicated to one evaluation on a test. In some classes, a majority of classroom instruction is centered around testing. A standardized test score should not hinder a student from furthering their education. Use of standardized testing is not an effective measure of a student’s ability.…
Did you know that kids take a considerable amount of time taking standardized tests when they could be learning? This is because when kids get ready to take a standardized test they tests the kids more to make sure they pass the test. We take too much time taking tests that we don’t take enough time to actually teach the kids. The government needs to modify and make better tests. This essay will discuss that the government needs to modify and make better tests because they take up too much class time, the tests that we are using are low quality, and the more tests that we use doesn’t mean that we will get better results.…
There must be ways to have accountability in most areas of society. In schools, we need to know if teachers are teaching and if students are learning. There has to be some way to judge whether the system is working. Standardized tests can show students’ strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, teachers then develop strategies to address the needs of the student that the test has outlined. These tests can help predict selection at college, justification for scholarships, and selection for employment. They can document achievement, both for the student and the teacher. “The fundamental ideas behind the construction and use of tests are not beyond our understanding”. says Andrew J. Strenio Jr. These tests “certify that the examinee does have the requisite skills and competencies needed to graduate from high school programs, practice in an occupation or profession, or receive elevated status within a profession”. (Defending Standardized Testing; Phelps, Richard. We could not function in society without some basic standards and these standards need to be uniform throughout our society. Chauncey and Dobbin write in their book Testing: It’s Place in Education Today:…
Standardized tests are playing a detrimental role in American public schools. Many students who prepare to take a standardized test worry about the strategies other than using what they’ve learned in class to come to a conclusion on an answer. The Standardized tests that are given to students are unethical because they alienate students whose family has a low income and kids who are of ethnicity. They are also unethical because they rely heavily on false data brought in by students test scores. Schools that have high test scores are given more money by the federal government and schools that have low test scores are given little money or even worse, face closing leaving many teachers jobless. Standardized tests should not be heavily relied…
Although these tests are intended to show student and teacher performance, they actually do not. For example, if students have a very good teacher, but then do not try on the tests, then that teacher may be punished for the results of the class, even though the students did not complete the tests to the best of their abilities. This is especially the case if the tests are not worth a grade, because then they do not affect the students and the students will not put forth the necessary effort. A main concern about standardized testing is test anxiety. Out of all students, researchers say that roughly 20 to 33 percent of them have some form of test anxiety. There is so much pressure on students for doing well on these tests, yet the results may not be as accurate because a student may not be able to focus do to test anxiety. Standardized tests do not prepare students for the real world. An education researcher, Gerald Bracey says these tests cannot tests some qualities of students that are very desireable in real world work situations such as, “‘creativity, critical thinking, resilience, motivation, persistence, curiosity, endurance, reliability, enthusiasm, empathy, self-awareness, self-discipline, leadership, civic-mindedness, courage, compassion, resourcefulness, sense of beauty, sense of wonder, honesty, integrity.’” All of these qualities would be very helpful in the real world, but these tests do not measure these good traits. The students are trained to only know what is on the tests which, in turn, causes these traits to go missing in our society. Another major concern with these tests is the cost of implementing them. States have to pay for making up the questions, printing and shipping the tests, scoring the tests, returning the tests to parents and schools, and research and analysis of the scores. One source stated, “In Indiana, it cost $557 per student per year to…
Standardized testing can be deemed as unfair and should not be solely used to judge a student’s academic performance. Once quoted, “If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that” (Obama). Standardized testing has been the go-to way to test a student’s intellectual ability since before World War II. Most tests consist of several hours filled with tedious multiple choice questions and in-depth essays. When spring comes around, most students dread school because they are forced to take the lengthy state required exams. Unfortunately, the scores of just one test could potentially determine a child’s entire academic future. The…
High Stakes Testing is tests used to make major decisions about a student and their education. In order for a test to be considered “high-stakes”, it needs to be vital in making an educational decision and the ability to take precedence over other information. Most High Stake tests are standardized and include multiple choice and open-ended responses, testing students on material that is both familiar and unfamiliar to them. High Stake testing gives a number score based on the amount of answers correct and in which area.…