The first is psychological warfare, which is the use of threats and misinformation to believe the person(s) are in danger. Next is publicity and propaganda. “Terrorists now have direct control of their message…[enabling them] to manipulate their own image and the image of their enemies,” (Weimann, 2004). Data mining is the next way terrorists use the internet. They scour the internet searching out information on their enemy, most of it for free. In addition, fundraising is particularly popular on the terrorist websites. They offer pages were a person can make credit card donations or they manipulate users’ sympathy for a certain cause to get them to donate. Terrorists also use the internet for recruitment and mobilization purposes. “Recruiters…roam online chat rooms and cybercafés, looking for receptive members of the public, particularly young people,” (Weimann, 2004).
In continuance, terrorists are networking through the internet. The terrorist groups are moving away from the hierarchy system and are breaking up into smaller cells that are connecting through the internet. The next way terrorists are using the
References: HLS 101- Weapons of Mass Destruction. (2011). Retrieved from Eastern kentucky university: Martin, G. (2013). Understanding terrorism. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc. Rosenwald, M. (2013, Novem 13). Plastic guns a growing worry for law enforcement. The washington post. Retrieved from Vergano, D. (2010, Octob 27). One emp and the world goes dark. USA Today, Retrieved from Weapons of Mass Destruction. (2013, October 9). Retrieved from Global Focus: Open Source Intelligence: Weimann, G. (2004). How modern terrorism uses the internet. United States Institute of Peace: Special Report. Retrieved from