Unionization is basically when employees are combined, so they can fight to raise wages, and it becomes difficult to fire somebody. Most companies try to avoid this, as it takes the power from the boss and gives it to the workers. Examples of this can mainly be found in school districts, where unionization increases as the number of years the employees have worked increases. Having unionization in high-tech facilities would limit new ideas, because, if a worker ran out of new or good ideas, the company couldn’t simply fire …show more content…
These include climate, scenery, recreation, good universities, and an employment base large enough to supply needed workers and provide job opportunities for professionally trained spouses. These conditions are provided so the employees and their families can live comfortably, ensuring extended work period. As long as there is good work and school opportunities for the family and a suitable environment for the house, the worker would be content to stay with the company.
The last factor is the availability of first-quality communication and transportation facilities to unite separated stages of research, development, and manufacturing and to connect the firm with suppliers, markers, finances, and the government agencies so important in supporting research. If there is effective transportation, the facility can run more smoothly, and overall be more profitable. The facilities can be connected by railroads and highways, and the products can be sent by train, car, or, most frequently, containerized