Darnell Lattal, a writer for PMeZine magazine tell us, “Around the world, safety incidents at work are driven up by the high cost of unaddressed stressors, including fear of punishment, that cause numerous accidents and risky behavior.” Employees are stressed as it is by having to do difficult tasks in small amounts of time to keep their job, but having various stressors such as a position that isn’t to the liking of the worker or a negative a dangerous environment can only worsen this situation even further. Lattal tells us how the U.S. is losing profits by, “U. S. industries lose 75 million working days per year because of on-the-job-stress hazards with $50 billion in related compensation costs, all brought on, in the United States at least, by unsafe employee acts due to job stress.” Not only do these severe accidents cause employees to lose their jobs or injure themselves, but it also causes massive profit losses and this is an issue that affects much more than the worker, rather the entire corporation. “Management often acknowledges that stress is a terrible thing and understands that stress contributes to accidents, yet still views the stressed worker as weak or unskilled in personal self-management,” Lattal tells us in details the public view on workplace stress and how it is viewed trivially instead of taken seriously. As it …show more content…
“When a work environment is efficient and friendly the extent of conflict within the workplace is reduced. Less conflict results in the employees being able to concentrate on the tasks at hand and they are therefore more productive.” Paul O’ Brian, an expert in Business Development Management Roles, tells us his opinion on the importance of a friendly environment with employees who work well together. When a work environment is strong and friendly, chances are that employee relations are well and that makes it so it is a pleasant atmosphere for everyone. In turn, this brings about motivation for the employees and increases production significantly. O’ Brian backs this idea with, “Companies that have invested into employee relations programs have experienced increases in the productivity, and therefore the increased productivity leads to increases in profits for the business.” It seems companies have realized the significance of positive social identity of their employees. Communication is key when it comes to helping employees deal with their jobs and to avoid conflict and stress that may arise as a result of miscommunication or being