Motorcycle Diaries is a story of a young man, who along with his friend Alberto decides to take a trip around South America. This trip ultimately brings about a coming of age and opens each of the characters eyes to the harsh reality of life in South America. The first effects of neo-colonialism, introduced in the film Motorcycle Diaries are economical. Ernesto (the main character) meets a young couple, who have just been kicked off their farm in order for ?progress?. When Ernesto meets this unfortunate couple the scene is shot in the dead of the night and the bitter cold is evident. This scene evokes a feeling of sympathy for the cold, tired couple. The display of the deathly cold represents the harsh, heartless nature of the government.
Won 2 This cold in turn forces Ernesto and the couple to huddle close together. This symbolizes the South Americans need to unite and help each other against the corrupt government. This is a reoccurring theme through most of the movie; Ernesto again meets natives being kicked off their farms and land in order for the construction of bigger projects. This is caused by the power countries who exploit many regions of South