The HighScope Curriculum is an educational approach that emphasizes “active participatory learning”(???). When a child is an active listener it means that students have direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events, and ideas. The HighScope program is based around the child’s interests and choices which allows the children to take their first step into learning. The teachers, caregivers, and parents provide physical, emotional, and intellectual support to the children in a classroom that uses the HighScope Curriculum. The HighScope Curriculum differs from other early childhood programs because it has a daily plan-do-review sequence and because the curriculum is content, the social, intellectual, and physical building blocks that essential to young children’s optimal growth. The plan-do-review time is a 10-15 minute small-group time in which the children plan what they want to do during work time. Using this type of apprach provides the children with more independence, allowing them to increase their independe levels. After they complete the plan-do-review they move into a 45-60 minute work time where they carry out the planned ideas, and another 10-15 minute small-group time for reviewing a recalling with an adult about what they have done and learned. According to the HighScope website there are eight main categories that correspond to the state and national …show more content…
These main categories are approach to learning, social and emotional development, physical development and health, language, literacy, and communication, maththematics, creative arts, science and technology,