EXT. highwood middle school - DAY
Three BOYS, all 12 years old, burst out of their middle schools' doors, breathing deeply the fresh air, arms extending to the heavens.
DARREL, is a scrawny kid with Shaggy light brown hair, oversized jeans, and boots.
Can you smell it? Freedom!
NICK, a little taller than his friend, analyzes his surroundings, under a jet black hair bowl cut.
I smell explosions!
CARL, a little taller than Darrel but shorter than Nick, pulls a candy cane from his jacket and excitedly opens it.
Well I smell cookies, candy canes... Wait, explosions?
Nick jumps ahead of his friends, and points his fingers at them like guns. He makes pew-pew noises. The boys
jaws drop.
That's right, Captain Chad Musclelot, and his partner Lieutenant Samantha Rosylocks, are getting their own M Rated game!
Nick leans in closer, about out to deliver a secret.
And there's supposed to be some, romance, in it.
Darrel Oooos at the thought. Carl rummages some more candy canes out of his jacket.
You'll get caught again.
Will not!
You will when your mom walks in and sees all that romance going on in your room.