Were business-type activities “profitable”? That is, is the excess of revenues over expenses positive? Are there any component units that are discretely pre- sented as a column on the government-wide financial statements?
b. General Fund. What title is given to the fund that functions as the General
Fund of the reporting entity? Does the report state the basis of accounting used for the General Fund? What types of assets are included on the govern- mental funds balance sheet? Do current and noncurrent assets appear on the balance sheet? Do current and noncurrent liabilities appear on the balance sheet? Is this reporting consistent with the basis of accounting being followed?
c. Other Governmental Fund Types. List the names of governmental funds other than the General Fund that are included as major funds in the fund financial statements. Identify which of the major funds, if applicable, are special rev- enue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds.
d. Proprietary Funds. List the names of the proprietary fund types included in the financial statements. Do the financial statements provide evidence that all proprietary funds use accrual accounting?
e. Fiduciary Funds. List the names of the fiduciary funds included in the fund financial statements. Identify whether each of these is an agency fund, invest- ment trust fund, pension (and other employee benefit) trust fund, or private- purpose trust fund. Do the financial statements provide evidence as to what basis of accounting these funds use?
f. Notes to the Financial Statements. Read the notes to the financial statements so that you can refer to them as