The basic plot of the story is two people who are both the protagonist (Jig) and antagonist (the American man) are at a train station in Spain. They are both having drinks at the train station while also having a long conversation on a very touchy subject: abortion. Both characters have different opinions on what they should with Jig wanting to have the baby while the American man wants Jig to have the …show more content…
Whether it is to represent something through a different meaning such as a white elephant acting as an unwanted child for the American man, luggage being a sign of freedom or a train with one choice that Jig has to decide upon, symbolism is seen throughout the story. Symbols brings understanding in stories that author put there for a purpose. Remember there is always a reason why authors put these symbols in stories intentionally in their writing. So the next time you come across a symbol in the story you are reading, always think why an author would put this in the story and how important it is to the