so involved that they try to prevent abortion. What does hills and white elephants mean to you? Well at first the girlfriend says the hills out in the distance look like white elephants and this is before she started drinking but after drinking she says they don’t really look like it anymore so I think her hormones might be playing tricks on her.
It could be the drinking. Alcohol can mess with your better judgment. It makes people say what they are really thinking. Like when the American says “It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig,” (pg.811). He is just saying what is on his mind. His drunk mind that is. We are talking about an unborn baby that he created. There is nothing simple about an abortion operation. They are both drinking and making life decisions which don’t go good together. You are supposed to make the decisions first then after making the right one you have a good time and drink. What does the elephant resemble? We know what an elephant is but I have never seen a white one. An Albino elephant. The white elephant is the unborn baby that she doesn’t know what she wants to do with. I think a white elephant would be kind of cool but for the story makes it seem like no one wants it. So no one wants the baby. That’s why the girlfriend changes her mind a little about the elephant because she is changing her mind about not having the abortion. It’s as if
they are drinking maybe because they want to hide from this. People in the real world turn to alcohol and drugs to get away but that is not the answer. Be a man and stand up for what you have done. We should drink because we are already happy not to become happy. The poem highlights the frustration that people get on any topic. The man thinks that telling his girlfriend that he loves her everything is ok but what is love? How do we love someone? We can tell them we love them but those are just word but coming from what? The heart or the brain or maybe just out of nowhere. He needs to show her he loves her. Just like people all over the world. That’s all they want and need. We want someone who will listen and show us love but tell us also. So we do not need alcohol to make us happy we need someone. Maybe a new born baby is the answer. That’s what I think Ernest Hemingway is trying to tell us. Don’t be stupid and have an abortion. Keep the baby because it will make you happy.