Research over many years in the field of project management has identified several hindrances in the smooth execution of operation a construction project. But here it is more important to find out some common obstacles from the early literature and measure their impact on performance scientifically. Traditionally construction industry is segmented, and this segmentation is depends upon the nature of construction that is to be carried out, and this segmentation widely consider as residential housing construction, institutional and commercial building construction, specialized industrial construction, infrastructure and heavy construction, to see this, Hendrickson’s (2000, ch.1). Hindrances could also depend upon the nature of construction that is to be carried out but mostly it considered that all type of construction project faces common type of problems.
The main motive of this project is to provide better understanding to avoid any type of hindrances during the execution of a construction project. While executing a construction project, number of un-predicted problems creates jam in the smooth completion of the project and here in this study we identify these jams and measure their impact on the Firm’s performance. Goal of this study is to provide accurate results that will help project managers and construction managers to take early measure on factors that creates impediment in the flat completion of the construction projects.
The project will address these research questions.
1. What are basic hindrances in successful completion of a construction project?
2. Why these hindrances occur?
3. What is the impact of these hindrances on Firm’s Performance?
Basically, this study has descriptive foundation and its main emphasis will be on the understanding of basic hindrances in the way of successful completion of a construction project and to measure its impact on Firm’s performance. It
References: Rizwan U. Farooqui, Farrukh Arif, S.F.A. Rafeeqi, (2008). Safety Performance in Construction Industry of Pakistan. Sadi A. Assaf, and Sadiq Al-Hejji (2006), Causes of Delays in Large Construction Projects. International Journal of Project Management Volume 24, Issue 4, May 2006, Pages 349-357 G Torger Reve, and Raymond E Levitt (1984) Joseph Lampel, (2001). The core competencies of effective project execution: the challenge of diversity. International Journal of Project Management Volume 19, Issue 8, November 2001, Pages 471-483 Chris Hendrickson, (2000)