Hinduism and Buddhism two completely different religions, share a vast of similarities. They both have their own version of Tantra, which is a group of rituals based on teachings with supervision of a master. (Mahanirvana Tantra) Buddhism tantric practices are called “Tantrayana”. Hinduism tantric practices are very strong amongst worshippers of the goddess Kali and the god Shiva. Another similarity is that both believe in the practice of yoga and meditation which appears to help with concentration and relaxation of the body, mind and soul. Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation with a slight variation from one another. Hinduism believes that every human being is part of a different world and the soul will reincarnate into another form based on the things done by the human being from their present life. (Buddhism & Hinduism, 2007) Buddhism also believes in reincarnation being established on a good action or duty performed from a present life. They accept that one has to detach themselves from worldly possessions to reap the benefits of the long ever lasting spiritual life with the hope of salvation. Last but not least, both believe in the presence of gods and deities and many forms of hells and heavens.
Hinduism and Buddhism have just as many differences as similarities. One of the main differences is Hinduism was not founded by a particular person and Buddhism however was. Hinduism approves of the “efficacy and supremacy of the Vedas” and Buddhism does not. (Jayaram) Buddhists look at the world as being full of agony and the end of this agony is the focus of human life. However, Hinduism conceives that there are four goals of life, Dharma (sanctified duty), Artha (worldly possessions), Kama (wants) and Moksha (salvation). Hinduism also believes in four phases of life, which can be joined based on a person’s spiritual ability. (Mann, Numrich, & Wiliams, 2001) On the other hand Buddhism does not agree in the four phases. It appears that Buddhists group together in a monastically order and Hinduism is of individuality. Last but certainly not least, they both differentiate when it comes to the caste system.
It has been noted throughout history that Hinduism and Buddhism are major religions of the past and present. Both originated in India years ago. Some people believe that Buddhism was born, shaped and formed from Hinduism based on the fonder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama. Hinduism and Buddhism are two different and distinct religions. However, they have many similarities and differences that exist.
Buddhism & Hinduism. (2007). Retrieved January 29, 2009, from Buddhist Tourism:
Jayaram, V. (n.d.). Hinduism and Buddhism. Retrieved January 30, 2009, from Hindu Website:
Mahanirvana Tantra. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2009, from Hindu Website:
Mann, G. S., Numrich, P. D., & Wiliams, R. B. (2001). Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs in America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Teece, G. (2003). Buddhism. Franklin Watts.