-oldest religion in the world
- predates recorded history - has no human founder.
The word Hindu is of ancient Persian origin to describe people who lived beyond the River Indus and their religion.
Was created through the intermixing to two distinct cultures involving the Aryans and the Indus Valley civilisation.
At about 1500 B.C, the Aryan invaded India and imposed their religious themes on the Indian natives.
Hinduism spread in the world through literature and folklore.
It developed gradually over thousands of years.
Beliefs of Hinduism
Believes in the liberation of soul
Believes in karma (action-effect)
Practices of religion based on Vedas – the fundamental scripture
Believes in rebirth of a soul (reincarnation)
Believes in 1 God (but many ways to reach HIM) i.e. praying to Trimurthis: Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Saviour) and Siva (the Destroyer) believes in ‘Dharma’ –the moral and social order
The Vedas (4 types)
a) Rigveda b) Samadveda c) Yajurveda d) Atharvanaveda
Most Hindus believe in the authority of the vedas (songs to the gods), the old scriptures and sacred writings.
Also accept the teachings of Dharma-Shastras, an ancient law books.
The philosophical writings of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita.
Karma – what we do today would determine our future
Moksha – stage of high spiritual freedom- no longer bounded to life or death.
Ways to achieve Moksha:
a) Nyaana (knowledge/enlightenment) b) Karma (deeds/efforts)
c) Yoga(discipline/training) d) Bakti (praying/meditating) Hindu Ethics
Dharma(responsibilities)-duties/responsibilities must be done well
Ahimsa(love)-there should not be cruelty on animals /humans
Dhruthi(bravery_brave to face challenges of live
Kahamaa-(kind & considerate)-kind & considerate to human & animals
Damo(mind control)-do not react as one like to extent of causing harm to others
Stheyam(not greedy)-moderation, man must