October 22, 2013
Period: 1
1. The story of Arjuna and Krishna was a perfect metaphor for understanding the meaning of god in Hinduism as well as the importance of karma and reincarnation because it was so easy applicable to the average person. Arjuna is faced with a problem; he is hovering over what needs to be done and the needs of the people. He is really torn. You really start feeling for him because his story and hardships are very relatable to our lives. Lord Krishna tells him to submit all of his worries and stress to the Lord. He soon realizes in doing this that it helps him see what is real and what is in his head. Arjuna realizes how insignificant his problems really are. To sum it all up, if we can get ourselves to submit to the Lord, we will be able to see ourselves as part of the bigger picture.
2. The Vedic age was from 1,500 BC to 500 BC. The period was named for a group called the Vedas, which came from four religious based texts such as the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and the Atharva Veda. The texts were not yet written down, so priests would have to memorize them by heart. This Age was very important because the beliefs established during this time helped create the religion of Hinduism.
3. At the end of the Vedic period, individuals seeking new spiritual answers challenged the authority of the Brahmins. The result of this challenge was a gross misinterpretation of social and racial struggles among the ancient Indians.
4. The rise of Hinduism affected the Indian people tremendously. It contributed to India’s two greatest features- political diversity and regionalism. Such as during the Mauryan dynasty. India was under frequent attack by people on the northwestern mountains. As a result, India became a very well governed thread made up of smaller kingdoms. Hinduism promised personal salvation, so more of the Indian people practiced it more frequently.
5. The Mauryan Empire