a. What are the contributions of tourism development on income generation among the people of Wechiau?
b. What are the challengesassociated with the management of the attraction in the community?
c. What is the role of residents in ensuring the sustainability of the Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary? 1.3 Research Objectives
The objectives of the study include:
a. To find out the contributions of tourism development on income generation among the people of Wechiau.
b. To identify the challenges associated with the management of the attraction in the community.
c. To examine the role of residents in ensuring the sustainability of the Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary
1.4 Justification
The effectiveness …show more content…
It is about 46-killometres away from the regional capital (Wa). The Sanctuary is made up of 17 communities but our study focused on three sampled communities, that is Bolunche, Talawona and Wechiau. Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary is chosen as the study area because of its well-organized and well-developed tourist attraction site and as a leading touristsite destination. The Hippo Sanctuary is a community based project that is preserved by local indigenes as a home to over 200 …show more content…
Questionnaires were also used to seek answers directly from the local residents within the study area. This was important as it served as a representation of the communities’ view on the impact the Sanctuary had on their livelihood.
Field observations was used to witnesstourism activities going on in the community and to provide a better understanding of what happens in the study area. It also helped us to see for ourselves the infrastructural development in the study area and its effects on the study communities.
2.10 Ethical Consideration
The participation of the interviewees will be voluntary. At the outset of each interview, the respondent will be notified of the nature of the study, the way they will be involved and how the information gathered will be used. We will stress to them that anything they would share will be confidential and their real names and identity will not be included in our findings. We will indicate anonymity of participants and confidentiality of data will be secured throughout the research