Medicine”, is renowned for establishing the ancient medical ethical conduct, which is known as the “Hippocratic Oath”. Hippocrates established this formula in Greece close to 2,500 years ago, carrying as much importance today as it has in the past. In today’s medical practice there have been many alterations, not due to human nature , but due to the increase and change technology has created, which has created change within the Oath. So, what is the Hippocratic Oath and how is it used in modern day medical practice?
As we know over time technology has changed, and as the oath stands there have been multiple translations and some changes. For the most part though, …show more content…
If one is suffering so bad, and in ill amount of pain, so then should they be given a choice of whether they would like to carry on or not. It is a very hard topic. It is as a human being you want to go with a slow peaceful death, not a suffering painful one.
Abortion has always been a high controversial topic and issue. Life begins at conception.
The oath should be taken to preserve human life from the absolute beginning, not just out of the womb. The original Hippocratic Oath states ,”Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art”. As we now know times have changed, and these rules are as follows. Many doctors today do not abide by the this part of the oath. With the progression of technological advancements there has been a great decline morally. There was a revision written by “Louis Lasagna” in 1964, which ceases to list prohibitions against abortion, euthanasia, or the act of sexual relations with patients, which are clearly prohibited in the original Hippocratic