The basis of this case study revolves around Karen Dunleavy a brand manager tasked with the responsibility of further market share growth with the Dove brand. The major problem that Karen Dunleavy is faced with is further establishing the Dove brand in a highly competitive market in the beauty industry. Furthermore the first steps to resolving this problem was by collaborating with the assistant executive brand manager Michael B Allen. In conjunction of the meeting that took place Allen pointed out that the best course of action to take in retaining new customers was by pursuing a societal marketing campaign. The core element that defines this decision is quoted by Allen is this: “Our business has been to sell products, not to satisfy our customers or cure society’s ills. But now we know that we can do both. As long as we keep listening to customers, there is no reason why we can’t continue to stand out and distinguish ourselves from our competitors (Michael B Allen, pg 391) ”.
The major issues that the Dove Company had with Dunleavy’s marketing campaign idea was the portrayal of regular women. However certain members of the executive board had expressed unease with the approach Dunleavy was heading with her marketing campaign. The real problems that are presented in Dove’s current situation are its decline in sales. This is mainly due to the fact that their area of business already has a lot competition with companies Garnier, Nivea, L’Oreal, Olay, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson. This presents a problematic climate in the current market this also results encumbers advertising from the perspective of potential consumers. (Exhibit 2 pg 395)
In conjunction with the above information already given the Dove brand has quite a bit of experience selling consumer goods. The Dove brand is an established specialty good the purpose of their product is to appear unique so that customers can distinguish