October 14, 2012
BUS 351/502
Felecia Rodriguez
Professor Bonsky
“BUS 351/502”
14 October 2012
Hiring the Unknown
Regulate the provisions of hiring Immigrants The labor laws for immigrants have changed over the past six decades. The definition of an immigrant is a person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another (“Immigrant”). Immigrants come to America to have a better life. When companies are searching for potential employees, applicants may include immigrants. Companies then should take the time to insure the legal status of their potential employee. Companies should not be permitted to hire undocumented workers due to the following reasons (1) Companies who hire undocumented workers seem to believe it has a higher leverage over its rival company. (2) Companies feel by hiring undocumented workers they have a wage impact with results in increase in supply of substitute factor input. With this factor, the employer can file the undocumented worker and limit the undocumented workers employment opportunities (accepting a lower wage than his/her productivity). (3) Although companies considered the hiring of undocumented workers beneficial, The Department of Homeland Security is currently undergoing a “silent raid” requesting companies to submit their hiring records for inspection. In 1952, The Immigration and Nationality Act admitted only a certain number of immigrants of each nationality. The U.S. Department of State provides the background of how the Act was formalized. According to The U.S. Department of State, “Republican Senator from Nevada Pat McCarren and Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania Francis Walter, expressed concerns that the U.S could face communist infiltration through immigration and assimilated aliens could threaten the foundations of American life”. The basis of the Immigration and Nationality Act at that time was to
Cited: Page Brown, David J., Hotchkiss, Julie L., and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli. “Does Employing Undocumented workers Give Firms a Competitive Advantage?.” Working Paper Series (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) 2 (2012): 1-59. Business Source Complete. Web 16.Oct.2012 Hotchkiss, Julie L., Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, and Fernando Rios- Avila. “The Wage Impact of Undocumented Workers.” Working Paper Series ( Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) 4 (2012): 1-D3. Business Source Complete. Web 16 Oct.2012 Jordon, Miriam. “Fresh Raids Target Illegal Hiring.” The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal, 2 May 2012. Web 26 Sept 2012. Loten, Angus. “Small Employers Welcome Pernits Young Immigrants.” The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal, 15 June 2012. Web 14 Oct 2012. Robinson, Robert K., and Diana L., Gilbertson. “ The Immigration Reform And Control Act of 1986: Employer Liability In the Employment of Undocumented Workers.” Labor Law Journal 38.10 (1987): 658-664. Business Source Complete. Web 16 Oct 2012. U.S. Department of State “Office of the Historian” www.the freedictionary.com/immigrant