Points Possible: 80
Of the following three questions, answer two of your choice.
1. Study the Memoir for the Marquis de Seignelay (Links to an external site.) and the 1699 Map of North America (Links to an external site.) and respond to each of the following questions in at least three complete sentences.
a. What was at issue between the French and the English?
- The rivalry between the French and the English in obtaining Indian allies as well as defining boarders between the two colonies.
b. Why did the French want to attack the Iroquois and not the English colonies?
- The English employed the Iroquois and excited all other Indians against the French . “They sent those last year to attack the Hurons and the Outawas.” The English also sent the Iroquois to attack the French allies the Illinois and the Miamis. The Iroquois killed a great number fo them and this hurt the French.
c. The Marquis suggested that if they were to defeat the Iroquois, the French could expand their empire to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. Who would they have to contend with then, if that happened?
- The French would have to deal with the Spanish and various other Indian tribes given that they expand into the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.
d. What was the role of Jesuit missionaries in the conflict?
Reverend Father Lamberville ran a Jesuit missionary, and wrote on the first of November to Chevalier de Callieres, Governor of Montreal, who informed the Governor-General thereof, that Colonel Dongan has assembled the Five Iroquois Nations at Manatte. He declared seven statements:
“1st, That he forbids them to go to Cataracouy or Fort Frontenac and to have any more intercourse with French.
2d, That he orders them to restore the prisoners they, took from the Hurons and Outawacs, in order to attract these to him.
3d, That he is sending thirty Englishmen to take possession of Missilimakinak and the lakes, rivers and adjoining lands and orders the Iroquois to
Cited: 1: http://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_03_c-godeeper.htm 2: Ayers, Edward L. "Chapter 3 Page 62." American Passages: A Brief History of the United States. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2012. 48-62. Print.