Aryans invade- language group, not a race incent caste system-4 major economic group
Modern-Day India
- Bollywood
- Fashion style
- Cuisine
- Poverty
- 2nd largest population
- Hinduism, Buddhism
- Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha
- Modern day government-parliamentary system
- W/a prime minister
Hinduism- world’s oldest religion
- Comes from Aryans
- Caste system
- Reincarnation
- Dharma-divine law
- Karma
- Yoga
Polytheistic- 3 main Gods
- Brahma-Creator
- Vishnu-preserver
- Siva-destroyer
Buddhism- Originated in India
Is a philosophy not a religion
Siddhartha Gautama-founder
Buddha- the enlightened one
1) Life is full of suffering
2) Suffering is caused by our attachment to worldly things
3) Be more others-centered
4) Follow 8 fold path
Siddhartha rejects caste system believes in reincarnation
The Land of India
• 110 languages
• 1,000 dialects
• Indian subcontinent shaped like a triangle hanging from the southern ridge of Asia
• Himalaya
• Ganges River
• Deccan
• Monsoon- seasonal wind pattern in southern Asia
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
• 35,000 inhabitants-Harappa
• 35,000-40,000- Mohjeno Daro
• Broad streets ran in north to south direction
• Crossed streets ran from east to west
• Large walled neighborhoods
• Constructed of mud bricks
Rulers and the Economy
• Royal palace and holy temple were together
• Harrapan community based on farming
• Indus River Provided
- Rich soil
- Barley
- Peas
- The chief crops
The Arrival of the Aryans
• 1500B.C
• Nomadic people
• Moved south across Hindu Kush
• We’re not race or ethnic group
• Part of a larger group
• Referred to Indo-Europeans
• Ways of life
- Pastoral people as
- Strong warrior people
- Creation of iron plow, along with irrigation
• Basic Crops
- Wheat
- Barley
- Millet
- Rice was common crop
• Sanskrit
• Raja-Prince
India’s Social System
• Caste System
• Divided into 4 major classes called Varna’s