Stephanie M. Nieves Nevárez
South University Online
Historic Perspective The Harlem Renaissance when the author, Langston Hughes, wrote poems was the brightest moment for African American people because the 1920’s gave birth to a new world to these people. They had the opportunity to search for a new identity with complete freedom with no slavery and suffering for loved ones and themselves. Historic perspective allows us to explore when and where the work was written, how the attitudes and thoughts were influenced by this time and how the writer reflects this in a written work. History is an important part of our lives since the time our ancestors lived in it; knowing the history of our past lives lets us understand how our world has evolved and changed our thought, way to act, and the outlook on life century after century. The two poems that I choose from the author, Langston Hughes, are “The Dream Keeper” and “I, Too,” These two poems represent the dreams and desires that the African American people have to be treated equally. The poem, “The Dream Keeper” is about that dreaming is what motived the African American people to move forward and fight for what they wanted without letting white people to turn any desire and dream down because that is what kept them alive of suffering from slavery, “Bring me all of your dreams/ You dreamer/ Bring me all your/ Heart melodies/ That I may wrap them/ In a blue cloud-cloth/ Away from the too-rough fingers/ Of the world” (Hughes, 2004, line 1-8). It is clear that in the 1920’s African American people were treated as slaves without any rights in life. They were prisoners of their own race because people with black flesh were worthless to their masters/owners. On the other hand, the poem, “I, Too,” is about African American people that kept their dreams and desires to sit in the table and be treated equally without it mattering the color of their flesh, “Tomorrow,/ I 'll be at the table/ When
References: Hughes, L. (2004). The Dream Keeper. Classic Poetry Series: Langston Hughes. Retrieved from Hughes, L. (2004). I, Too. Classic Poetry Series: Langston Hughes. Retrieved from