The original author of the document is Sunan Abu Dawus. The document was translated by Ahmad Hasan and Nusrat Ali Nasri, born in 1990.
The document was originally written from 817 to 889, while original author, Sunan Abu Dawus, was living. The document was written because Sunni Islam's fundamental texts written in Qur'an which explained most of Muslim's way of life did not entirely have rules and explanations for every scenario that could happen in life. Therefore, oral traditions referred to as "Hadith" were collected and written in the texts for centuries by devoted individuals such as Sunan Abu Dawus himself. In the end there were six of such canonical texts which had the same authority regarding legal questions that Qur'an had.
One of the six canonical texts was about "Prophetic Traditions About Jihad" which means "religious struggle". The key points of this document start with a story of a woman who just lost her son and is being compensated with by two martyrs who are also being referred to as "people of the Book" who are being held responsible for woman's son's death. "People of the Book" are also known to be Christians and Jews and the story tells us that in that time to Muslims fighting Jews and Christians carried more reward than fighting others.
Another important point of the document is revealed in saying that "An infidel and the one who killed him will never be brought together in Hell". This saying means that a person who kills a non believer in order to prove his religion or undergoing "jihad" is to be rewarded by Muslim god Allah and have all his sins forgiven. Not only that but such a person is guaranteed to go to paradise while the person who have been killed - the infidel is certainly going to hell. As a result, such rule justified and encouraged murdering of non-believers.
Furthermore, Islamists are being encouraged in religious struggle - "Jihhad". In order to promote Islam religion,