Although events in history occurred over a long span of time and development, history first became an academic subject a little more than 100 years ago (McNeill 12). Since then, a plethora of controversies appeared regarding how historians, scholars, and intellectuals should examine and analyze history. Among the initial methods of studying history was the scientific research method, or scientific source criticism, which fundamentally extracts valid, legitimate facts from a diverse range of historical sources. Throughout time, however, the facts derived from this method of historical study gradually altered, leading to a new method of historical study: using facts and combining them with opinions and goals to constitute personal interpretations. As Oscar Handlin zealously asserts, historians and scholars should provide a strict examination of history based on a chronological study of known and verifiable facts as opposed to using verifiable facts as the basis for their own interpretation, influenced by their own group, experiences, beliefs, and personal motives. Through implementing a strict examination of history, historians can successfully detect and eradicate bias in their writings, allow the government as well as individuals to gain an insight into the past in order to secure and progress the future, and grasp the magnitude of truth.…
Among the reading assignments, the chapter “Who Owns the Past?” in Dangerous Game by MacMillan piqued my interest to elaborate on. In this chapter, she emphasizes that history is written by many historians who have their own views, interpretations, and biases. In this regard, she implies that we should not simply believe in what historians claim, but dig into its sources and figure out from many perspectives. There are many ‘bad’ history produced by historians without offering a wide range of views and this can be used as an instrument that can largely influence on people by giving them prejudice on certain events. There are always reasons behind each event and it is important to find out what indeed happened as well as where the history is…
the past—the recorded, the biased, and the erased—due to its impact on the future. The final…
Now that I have access to this modern interpretation of history I realized that the way that history is taught in lower level course it to tell some part of the truth, but not go in-depth with it or interpret it. So teachers were teaching me the sugar coated basic facts of history, which I found unfair because I found that information to hold true and never questioned those…
TUNDRA The Tundra is the coldest of all the Biomes and being situated in the extreme north of the planet has desert like conditions. It has extremely low temperatures, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. There is a very low precipitation of less than five inches a year which is coupled with strong, dry winds. There is a very large annual amount of snowfall in the region which surprisingly is advantageous to plant and animal life as the snow provides and insulation layer on the surface of the ground.…
James W. Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me is a critically acclaimed work pertaining to the inaccuracies found in many history textbooks. Lies My Teacher Told Me notes that history is a school subject often disliked by students. Loewen contends that history is not appreciated because it may be considered intrinsically unappealing, but rather because history is taught in a poor manner. Although Loewen uses all three modes of persuasion in his book, his powerful use of pathos allows for his most convincing argument because he appeals to the emotions of his readers to convey a message that the methods by which American history is taught are flawed.…
All American citizens give up some of their personal liberties for the good of society: it is the basis of the constitution and every law. When citizens feel a law is unjust, they have two options: follow it or fight it. While the usual method of fighting it involves legal challenges or petitioning legislators, civil disobedience has achieved much notoriety after its famed success during the Civil Rights movement. The Framework for a Free Society describes a free society as one in which government “is constrained by the rule of law under which every individual and entity is treated equally.” A free society stresses toleration and respect of differences in belief and culture. Thus, peaceful resistance positively impacts a free society as it…
Studying history in the making seems a strenuous task. Many will say that we lack detachment and objectivity to judge the sequence of events. But if we base our study upon previous historical facts, and thus draw a strict comparison between past and present, bringing to light what the actual history is or is not, then the objectivity seems somewhat restored.…
Growing up I always dreaded history, I never understood why we had to learn about the past. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I realize that history is what shaped the world into what it is today and where I stand in this world. As a Mexican living in the United States history has really helped me understand why my family and I don’t have the same opportunity as white people. When I read the first 4 chapters to Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen right away I was able to relate to what he was saying. Being a person of color learning history growing up I noticed that the history books only showed one point of view. A lot of the truth was covered up and that’s why now when I read something historical it’s very important for me to read…
The purpose of this essay is that history is a result of point of view.…
Throughout history there are many different perspectives, but what they all have in common is that the man narrating wishes to gain from his perspective and he will manipulate his words to form bias. There are three forms of Bias in American History, first and most easily identifiable is propaganda. An occurrence of propaganda is the two tellings of the battle of sand creek. Chivington states that the casualties for women and children were very low. He went so far as to say that the greater number of children and wives escaped.…
What do most people remember about their American history classes from high school? They may remember that they learned Columbus and his ‘discovery’ of the new land or that Lincoln fought to end all slavery, but in reality students do not remember much. This is also jaded by the fact that most of what we do remember, turns out to have a slight hint of falsehood. Frances FitzGerald, author of Rewriting American History, uses his essay to analyze what a person learns in their history classes, and has found that what people have learned in their history classes may depend on how long ago they were taught the subject. The main point of his essay was to show the fact that because history books are updated so frequently, most students are only going to read from one version of history. FitzGerald expressed his concern for…
James W. Loewen wrote the book "Lies My Teacher Told Me" to help students understand the past of the United States, and how it is effecting the present. "Lies My Teacher Told Me" examines 12 various American history text books, and points out the various lies, flaws, and sugar coated stories the text books present. Loewen explains how textbooks practice heroification, and how race and race relations are a major issue when it comes to American history. Among these topics, Loewen also sheds light on the truth about social classes in America, and how textbooks lie about the past and try to avoid the recent past all together.…
When our class visited Joan and Robert Rechnitz Hall I felt as if this would be a hard assignment because I felt as if none of the artwork would catch my attention, seeing as I’ve never had an interest in artwork while growing up. This visit was really eye opening because not only did I enjoy the time we spent there, surprisingly I was actually interested in some of the work that was being displayed at that time.…
In the story The Pact by Drs.Sampson Davis, George Jenkins and Rameck Hunt demonstrate how three young friends can stay together when the times get hard and fulfill their lifelong dream of being doctor’s. If they can accomplish their dreams and making it a reality so, can you by hard work and determination it will come true. This book shows how if you keep your mind set, you can go far and achieve greatness. This will help explain how they “beat the odds”.…