Historical Biographical Analysis on “Another Invitation to the Pope to Visit Tondo”
Emmanuel Torres is a poet, art critic, professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Ateneo de Manila and curator of its art museum who was born on April 29, 1932 in Manila. He was born on the Third Republic of the Philippines when the country was already considered independent. He witnessed the administration of Manuel Roxas, Elpidio Quirino, Ramon Magsaysay, Carlos P. Garcia and Diosdado Macapagal. Macapagal ran for the re-election but he was defeated by Ferdinand Marcos. How was the Philippines during the Marcos regime and early before?
Since 1940, it has been very hard for the Filipinos to accept the war after war, revolutions and occupations. The Philippines suffered great loss of life and tremendous physical destruction, especially during the Battle of Manila. An estimated 1 million Filipinos had been killed; a large portion during the final months of the war, and Manila had been extensively damaged.
Early in Marcos’ presidency, Marcos initiated ambitious public works projects, war rehabilitations and intensified tax collection which brought the country economic prosperity throughout the 1970s. His administration was very successful in waking up the Filipinos but because of the Philippine Legislature that was corrupt and impotent, there were still circumstances where Filipinos experienced troubles and sufferings.
This poem was set during 1960’s when the Pope came to the Philippines. Originally, this poem was entitled “The Poem visited Tondo” until it was revised to give emphasis to the invitation for the Pope to witness the situation of Filipinos many years back. We all know how visible poverty in the Philippines is. This is an important matter to be faced by the Pope of the world which showed mockery to the Catholic Church. It is amazing how Emmanuel Torres used sarcasm in the poem to show and narrate the sufferings of the people decades ago. He also used sarcasm to describe how people in high ranks had become unaware and apathetic of the living conditions of the poor.
Appeasing the Roman Catholic Church during the Fourth Republic, Marcos officially lifted martial law on January 17, 1981. However, he retained much of the government 's power for arrest and detention. Corruption and nepotism as well as civil unrest contributed to a serious decline in economic growth and development under Marcos, whose health declined due to lupus.
Life was never easy before. The Philippine was highly dependent on United States markets – more dependent, according to United States high commissioner Paul McNutt, than any single U.S. state was dependent on the rest of the country. This dependence was highly shown in lines – Our eyes shall bless the liveliness of dollars.
Emmanuel Torres clearly described and talked about what had happened decades ago but if we read this today and apply what it says to what we experience now, it’s still appropriate for the situation of the Philippines. Poverty is still prevalent and the situation in the Philippines has not changed at all.
This poem talks about a time during the Marcos regime when the pope came for a visit. Squatters areas were whitewalled, possibly in order to "make an impression" on the Pope. He saw right through it, however, and insisted on meeting a family from the area. The poem reflects the more realistic angle of the story, a mockery of the Church, in some ways, by alluding to doctrines. - Ma. Therese Boniface Roxas
Literary Poems by Emmanuel Torres (March 2006) Another Invitation the Pope to visit Tondo Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://giaferrer.blogspot.com/2011/02/another-invitation-to-the-pope-to-visit-tondo.html
Protected Wikispaces on Literary Criticism (March 1988) Historical-Biographical Apprach. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://cyberenglishdhs.wikispaces.com/Historical-Biographical+Criticism
An Online Resource Center to Filipino Writers and Readers (1993) Your Portal to Philippine Literature. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://www.panitikan.com.ph/authors/t/etorres,htm
Critical Approaches. (1996, January). Literature Resources Critical Approaches to Literature: A Brief Overview. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://www.cla/purdue.edu/blackmon/engl360k/critcal.html
History of the Philippines. (1992, December 1). Wikipedia www.wikipedia.com Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of _the_Philippines
References: Literary Poems by Emmanuel Torres (March 2006) Another Invitation the Pope to visit Tondo Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://giaferrer.blogspot.com/2011/02/another-invitation-to-the-pope-to-visit-tondo.html Protected Wikispaces on Literary Criticism (March 1988) Historical-Biographical Apprach. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://cyberenglishdhs.wikispaces.com/Historical-Biographical+Criticism An Online Resource Center to Filipino Writers and Readers (1993) Your Portal to Philippine Literature Critical Approaches to Literature: A Brief Overview. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from http://www.cla/purdue.edu/blackmon/engl360k/critcal.html History of the Philippines. (1992, December 1). Wikipedia www.wikipedia.com Retrieved December 18, 2011,