Historical Context Matrix
As you learn about health care delivery in the United States, it is important to understand the history of health care delivery to develop a working knowledge as you progress through the course. The following matrix is designed to help you develop that working knowledge. Fill in the following matrix. Each box should contain responses between 50 and 100 words.
|Historical Context |Historical background?|Where is the care |Who is the caregiver? |Goal of the care? |How is care paid |
|Matrix | |delivered? | | |for? |
|Snake oil |From the 1600s to |The sellers of snake|Most of the potions |Around these times |Not everyone had |
| |about the early 1800s |oil would drive into|and elixers were self |there were a good |the money the snake|
| |men traveling around |town and put on a |prescribed due to the |number of simple |oil sellers had in |
| |in wagons, calling |big performance in |fact that most were |injuries with a good |order to buy the |
| |themselves doctors, |order to get the |not real medicinal |few gunshot wounds and|elixers and herbs |
| |would have bottles |attention of as many|drugs. For those that |cuts from swords. The |that they wanted. |
| |full of different |people as possible. |were real drugs, the |doctors were a little |So instead of |
| |potions and elixers |Once they got done |town doctor would have|bit more advanced in |paying with the |
| |made from the many |with their speech |their patient come to |medicine and started |regular currency of|
| |herbs found in their |and had everyone |their
References: http://thinkprogress.org/yglesias/2009/10/02/194591/health-care-in-1500/?mobile=nc http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info/medieval-life/medieval-doctors.htm http://patients.about.com/od/decisionmaking/a/Snakeoil.htm http://www.naph.org/Homepage-Sections/Explore/History.aspx