Although some people can intimidate a person into being lukewarm, Anderson declares while yet being in the midst …show more content…
Throughout history, theologians have been trying to understand how doctrines developed. These various theories pointed out how the changes in the religious beliefs affected the people in the church. Some people modified for the worst and some affected for the better. For this reason, Jesus was born and died, and that change gave a new foundation to the community supporting and helping the lost find their way to truth, the life and the way which is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Every person way to Jesus is not the same route, but despite the different paths, they all lead to Christ. As an illustration, Rahab, a prostitute open her home where she service men to hide two spies from the King of Jericho on the roof under the stalks of flax. She told the spies about all the amazing miracles God did for them in and out of Egypt. Rahab told the spies about their God. A God in the heaven and on the earth. She also told them, since she showed kindness to them to repay her the same service and show kindness to her family and save them from death. The spies gave her their word. Rahab and her entire household were spared (Joshua 2). Amazing how so many people know/heard about the awesomeness of God and what He did in people lives. However, the people became alive when they have an encounter with God through their