Some of the past practices may compile us to link or rather reconsider their meaning to the present human practices. However, the context weaving unsettles the residents because there are some aspects of the present that seems to be connected to the ancient practices. As a result, prejudice is eminent among the Americans. In some instances, the Americans need to watch various movies in order to be able to connect or rather to understand whatever happened in the past and what is happening right now. Therefore, Americans remain confused on whether their children should study unnatural acts or reconsider historical thinking in order to be able to understand their nation’s history.
The author's main arguments are how “people have become fixated on the question of “which history” that we have forgotten a more basic question “why study history at all?” (Wineburg 5) This article made me think of how important history really is and how this era we live in now came to be and how the past affected the future. Most people ask themselves why they have to take a history class, and all they think about is being a basic class needed to pass without thinking how important it really is and understand the way we live