
History 103

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History 103
HIS 103

Leanne Lanier

Instructor: Scott Shepard

August 19, 2012

In this paper I am going to identify and show the importance

of the different societies and classes in the world. There is a big

importance for some of the people in the world to be richer than

the average person.

"The American middle class is a social class in the United

States. While the concept is typically ambiguous in popular

opinion and common language use, contemporary social scientists

have put forward several, more or less congruent, theories on the

American middle class. Depending on class model used, the

middle class may constitute anywhere from 25% to 66% of

households." (wikepedia) So in this percentage we see that most

the people in america are in the middle class. Middle class has

always been the majority of the classes in societies. These are

people who usually have 2 people in the household that work in

these current days. However in the years in the past it was mostly

that 1 person (the man of the house) The women would stay home

have kids, cook, clean and sometimes take care of the farm and


There has always been a low class in society. There has

always been a poor class. People who could not or did not work.

Alot of times they would be the "theives and poors". " The concept

of a lower class in the United States is used to describe those at or

near the lower end of the socio-economic hierarchy. As with all

social classes in the United States, the lower class is loosely

defined and its boundaries and definitions subject to debate and

ambiguous popular opinions." (Wikepedia)

The upper class in modern societies is the social class

composed of the wealthiest members of society, who also wield

the greatest political power. "The upper class is generally

contained within the wealthiest 1-2% of the

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