* haymarket strike
1894 * Pullman strike
***Agriculture recovery***
-farm security administration * assist the rural poor * loans to tenant farmers/ sharecroppers to buy land * only modesty appropriated - 2% obtained loans
*** new deal& agriculture **** - overall - the new deal hastened transition of farming in to a business - only efficient and well capitalized farms were successful
***Relief of unemployment & destitute ****
*1993 reconstruction finance corporation -$500 MM in assistance to 1/6 of the population - modest payments but avoided starvation * civilian conservation corps - young males worked in public lands * public works administrations - 1993 failed to put many people to work * works progress administration
- 1935 spent $5 billion putting the unemployment on the federal payroll, skilled / unskilled, artists, actors, writers.
*** WPA & Progress***
* eased the burden
* failed to overcome the recession
* did not spend enough money
* did not increase consumer purchasing power
* prompted more radical alternatives
* alternatives challenged conservative nature
* FDR forced to shift to the left
—Austerity> is when the government gets worried bout our debt. Converted, industrial> consumer Taxes goes up, and spending goes down
*** challenge by those discontent***
- Midwest progressives & agrarian radicals -Minnesota governor Floyd Olsen
- textile plant strikes shutdown mills in 27 states - father Charles coughlin-Detroit * monetary inflation & nationalization of banking - dr. Francis Townsend - California * $200 month pension - 30 day rule
- Huey long- senator from Louisiana * share the wealth movement * every man a home ($5k) & annual income ($2.5k) * seize fortunes over $5mm * tax of 100% on income over $1mm **** social security act****
• old age pensions funded by employers/ workers