2.)what are the advanages of having segmentation?how does the 8086 microprocessor support segmentation?
3.)write an assembly language programme that display the square of a number and its corresponding address from a look up table?
4.)how many flags are there in 8086 microprocessor and what are they?
5.)what is the difference between the physical address and the logical adress?
6.)what do you mean by addressing mode?what are the different addressing modes supported by 8086?explain each of them with suitable example?
7.)draw the timing waveform of mode 1 input control signals of 8255?
8.)what is software interrupt in 8085 microprocessor?
9.)explain the instruction SIM ANDRIM in 8085 microprocessor?
10.)write an assembly language programming in 8085 to interface a 8255 chip with port b address DDH to scan port a and send the data to port b .draw the logical circuit diagram?
11.)describe the different addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor?what are the main functions performed by BIU AND EU unit of 8086 microprocessor?how is pipelining achieved in 8086 microprocessor?
12.)list the operating modes of the 8255A PPI?specify the bit of a control ward for the 8255,which differentiates between the I/O mode and the BSR mode?write initialisation instruction for the 8255A to set up port B as an O/P port in mode0.? list the major sections of the8279 programmable keyboard/display interface?
13.)write a programme to read the DIP switches and display the reading from port B (I/O PORT)AT port A (o/p port)and from port c (i/o)port at port c (i/o port)??
14.)write a programme in assembly language for 8085mp to generate a square wave of 10khz with the input clock frequency of 1mhz of counter a??
15.)describe the different modes of operation of 8253 timer?what do you mean by 16 bit microprocessor?explain the function of RIM instruction?what is the purpose of DMA controller?a set of eight data bytes is