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The future of tree house hotels is in the process of becoming even more and more successful. In April 2006, a team of trained individuals put together their thoughts and ideas for a more efficient tree house hotel not only to help the environment, but as well as people and their stay at the hotel. In The Telegraph Newspaper, an article titled “Eco tree houses, the homes of the future” described the uprising tree house hotels as “the timber-framed, 4-story Sigma house, designed by architects PTP and built by the Stewart Milne Group, which has been awarded 5 stars” (Eccleston, 2007). The Stewart Milne Group has been working constantly on this project to make the future of the tree house hotels very successful, and by 2012 these hotels well be making their way to a more eco-friendly environment and saving more money. According to the design team, they have already considered many ways to help enhance the facility and better the water and supply system, as well as the energy efficiency that is being used. As stated in the article from The Telegraph Newspaper, “living tree houses would eliminate wasted energy used in harvesting wood for lumber, hauling and cutting lumber, and they would be carbon neutral” (Eccleston, 2007). Their main focus to improve these hotels is to eliminate wasted energy and make them carbon-free. Also included in the article “Eco tree houses, the homes of the future” are a few of the future designs of these tree house hotels, which are described as follows: “100% renewable energy heating hot water from solar thermal panels and by generating electricity from roof mounted turbines and photovoltaic panels, a ‘grey water’ recycling system from bath, shower and basins for use in flushing toilets and rainwater collection on the roof, all timber from sustainable sources and the design and construction delivering a claimed 100% reduction in CO2 emissions over standard building regulations, a heat sensor that opens and closes even temperature flow, air
Cited: Beattie, R.B. (2007). World 's best treehouse hotels. Retrieved from http://www.travelandleisure.com/slideshows/worlds-best-treehouse-hotels
Eccleston, PE. (2007, June 11). Carbon-free house of the future. The Telegraph, pp. B1, B2.