Have you ever thought about when your favorite things first became popular and why? Many leisure activities of today originated in the 1990’s. The 1990’s were very influential within the entertainment industry because of their food, music, and movies. The 1990’s showed a big change in food. It was the decade where the Food Network came onto the air, garlic became more commonly used and many delicious foods were invented (Neman). Emeril Lagasse was a very popular chef during that time so people looked to him and decided to do whatever he did. Many different herbs and spices started to be used, “Lagasse’s persistence made garlic an acceptable ingredient for the culinarily timid, and soon they began trying other …show more content…
Some of them were so good that we still have them around today. One thing is Bubble Tape which is a six foot roll of gum packed inside of a pink and round container. They had a very clever way to get teens to buy it, “Many of the advertisements features disapproving adults, especially school faculty members, which, of course, made bubble tape all the more attractive to young users” (“Food & Drink Archives”). Lunchables also became popular during the 1990’s, they “were created as a marketing strategy for Oscar Mayer to try and sell more bologna meat.” In 1997, they had to change their options to be healthier after being “accused of having high saturated and sodium content” (“Food & Drink Archives”). Lastly, there are snacks called Dunkaroos which are cookies and icing made by Betty Crocker. They had about four different flavors of cookies and icing and “come in a package consisting of ten small cookies and about a cubic inch of frosting.” A majority of these snacks were seen as fun to eat and for some people today they would be considered nostalgic. (“Food & Drink …show more content…
Some very influential musical artists/bands were Tupac Shakur and also Nirvana. Tupac showed “electric lyrics and controversial statements on inner-city life.” He also managed to write a number one album while in prison (Tucker). The band Nirvana “kicked off the alternative rock culture of the 1990’s.” One of their most popular songs is called “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (Tucker). There are also very popular songs that came from movies. A song that people are probably most familiar with is Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” from Titanic. Another iconic song would be Elton John’s “Can You Feel The Love Tonight?” from The Lion King. That same song also won and Oscar for the best original song, “The album has the ability to evoke the same emotions millions of moviegoers felt just watching the film”