With its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, the BIS assists central banks regarding the investment of cash reserves, provides a forum for international monetary cooperation, acting as agent or trustee in the execution of international loan agreements, and engages in extensive economic research.
The BIS is involved in traditional types of investment. Any funds not needed as loans to other central banks are placed in global financial markets. The main forms of investment include commercial bank deposits and purchases of negotiable commercial paper short-term treasury bills including the United States.
International cooperation BIS provides a forum for the leaders of certain banks. The representatives of international institutions meet 10 times a year at the BIS to conduct discussions on the current monetary policy.
The governors of central banks from Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom and five representatives of finance, industry or commerce, being appointed each by the rulers of the five central banks .
International organization, the BIS performs several functions as depository and a trustee.
Environmental damage and international finance.
Come together around the actions of a major international financial institution, the World Bank (World Bank). Also known under the name International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank has been assisting the developing countries since its creation from the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944. Today, World Bank loans amount to a total of $ 24 billion per year. Despite several attempts aimed at incorporating environmental considerations into the policies of World Bank loans, it has been argued that this institution has contributed to environmental and social damage on a massive scale. Because