The Mosaic Law is what God gave to the Israelites through Moses. The Mosaic Law begins with the Ten Commandments and includes the many law given in the first five books of the Old Testament. The Code of Hammurabi is one of the earliest sets of laws found, and one of the best preserved examples of this type of document from ancient Mesopotamia. It shows rules and punishments if those rules are defied. It focuses on theft, farming, property damage, women’s rights, marriage rights, children’s rights, slave rights, and murder, death, and injury. There no excuses here. A difference I see of Mosaic laws is that it seeks to establish morals and principles whereas the intent of the Code of Hammurabi seems to be to particularize laws already in existence to fit certain demanding situations in what’s happening in that time period (Comparing the Codex Hammurabi with the Mosaic Law n.d.) The Code of Hammurabi would be edited as the times went by, kind of like our laws. Example if attacking citizens for no reason became a problem than the ruler would add a punishment to the problem. The Mosaic Laws were given by God who knew all the problems that were going to happen so it was perfect and could be applied. Some of The Mosaic Law gave people a foundation to learn to live there lives congruously and to develop relationships with each other. A
Cited: Comparing the Code of Hammurabi with the Covenant Code. (accessed September 1, 2012). Comparing the Codex Hammurabi with the Mosaic Law. (accessed September 1, 2012).