This report aims to clarify how coffee was discovered and became a very popular drink consumed worldwide. As a tool and for supporting information I have used internet research to collect and compare information from different sources to support the content of this report.
Origin of coffee
The origin of coffee consists in three different stories:
First, coffee had its origin in the Ethiopian province of Kaffa in the 15th century or even earlier as there is not an accurate date registered. The Warriors from natives’ tribes in Africa used to mix the coffee beans with animal fat then put them together into little balls and take them for energy before their battles.
Second, it seems that there was a goat-herder who saw his goat eating one of the cherries, and become fascinated about how energetic his goat was. After he tried one for himself, he found it very tasty and also he enjoyed the energetic effects of the cherries beans, and he started to dance with monkeys and goats, at the same time he was spotted by his tribe who soon began to boil the beans and make a drink out of them and have it to keep them awake though their nocturne religious ceremonies.
Finally, according the other Myth found, there was a Muslin man who was condemned by his enemy to wander in the desert. He had a dream which told to him to eat the beans from a tree close by which happened to be a coffee tree. After trying to soften the beans in water without succeeding, he drank the water. He survived in the desert and he credited to the coffee beans his survival and he started to pass on this recipe.
How coffee spread around the world In the 16th, coffee spread to The Middle East, North Africa and Italy. Italy was a very important country that contributed to the coffee spreading as they had in Venice a very busy port at that time and coffee started to be introduced to the rest of Europe.
In the 17th century, the Dutch introduced
References: 9 purported health benefits of drinking coffee [Updated]. Fair Trade .§ionID= 3&moduleID=8&pageID=29 George SE, et al. A perception on health benefits of coffee. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2008;48:464. History of coffee. The History of Coffee. The History of Coffee . History of Coffee.