Fashion editor was born because of the existed of magazine. The first magazine in the world came from germany named Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen (translation: Edifying
Monthly Discussions). Founded by Johann Rist, a German poet and composer. These magazine contain about art, literature, philosophy and science.
But actually, the first fashion magazine was not a magazine. Instead it is a fashion illustration book by Josse Amman (1586) that regarded as the first fashion magazine. The name of the book is Gynasceum, sive Theatrum Mulierum (meant Theatre of Women). It contains the illustration of female costumes of all of the nations of Europe.
Later, in 1672 the real fashion magazine was published by Jean Donno de Vise. Actually it’s a literaly critical magazine, but it also discuss about fashion reviews and fashion guides. Due to these sections, fashion magazines began to bloom across Europe, which introduce e Ladies
Mercury published by John Dunton in 1693. People conclude that reading fashion magazines became a sign of good taste.
The Growth of Fashion Magazine
In the middle of 19th century, the fashion magazine born in America. It is Harper’s Bazaar
(1867), but first time its name was Harper’s Bazar. The first Harper’s Bazaar editor-in-chief is Mary
Louise Booth. By that time, American women could see original designs by Charles Frederick
Worth, Christian Dior, Coco Chanel and other fashion designer.
The first Harper’s Bazar was published 2 November 1867, it was a weekly magazine for middle and upper classes women. The first design format was like newspaper and the picture were illustrated with drawings. Until the latter part of 19th century, photographs was introduced to replace the illustration. In 1901, Harper's Bazaar became a monthly, and in 1929 its title was changed to Harper's Bazaar, a magazine in publication today.
Harper's Bazaar was one of the first steps toward the New York fashion