“I waited for something to happen, but nothing did. No wind that swept everything away. No heart attack. No angel at the door.” (Krauss 34) I believe that this passage lays down the mind set that Gursky has adapted and also shows the handle to a door in which instead of waiting for things to happen on there own, he must go out and make it happen himself. He is a creature of habit; who’s habits includesharp crippling statement about his once heightened life, forlorn and abandoned because of his lack of will to create or become something better. I am very interested to see where this book takes us from here and would like to reflect mainly on how the book makes you look at yourself, and question whether or not your getting up enough to do the stuff that is actually worth doing. Few I believe rarely ever do.
Works Cited
Krauss Nicole The History of Love . New York W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. 2005
Cited: Krauss Nicole The History of Love . New York W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. 2005 Print.