Both state and federal prisons were designed to serve the same purpose. They are alike in the sense that they both confine criminals. At the same, time there many differences in which make each system unique. State governments primarily operate both. Adults convicted of felony crimes may be imprisoned in one of the approximately 1,800 state, federal, local, or private prisons in America. State prisons confine felons with more than a year to serve with an array of offenses. Federal prisons confine federal offenders.
State prison systems have been in use since the early 1800’s. The state prison system is made up of several small prisons that house most of the United States prison population. The criminals within the state prison system are charged with an array of offenses from drug offenses to violent crimes and have more than a year to serve. One of the major problems within the state prison system is overcrowding.
The use of federal prisons began in the 1890’s. The Federal Bureau of Prisons confines felons convicted of federal crimes and houses pretrial defendants in federal jails in several large cities. At one time, the federal system was considered a model for state systems, but it has suffered from many of the same problems plaguing state systems in recent years, including an influx of drug offenders that has caused pervasive overcrowding and continuous expansion.
Although state and federal prisons are different, they are also similar. Both face some of the same problems. The main issue with any prison is overcrowding. At year-end 2001, state prison systems were operating between 1 percent and 16 percent above capacity, while federal prisons were 31 percent above their rated capacity.
There is much history of corrections all over the nation dating back to the 1700's. It seems that until the late 1700's prisons were horrible places. They were unclean and unsafe, prisoners received improper