There were cottages and foster homes that were often placed on farms. Family-type organization was prevalent, and hard physical labor was stressed. New institutions suffered from the same types of problems that the houses of refuge did. Separate juvenile institutions for girls appeared in the mid-1880s, and were focused on the teaching of domestic and childrearing skills. The first juvenile courts were operated under the philosophy of parens patriae ,in Prince v. Massachusetts (1944). Parens patriae meant the state could act "as a parent," and give juvenile courts the power to intervene whenever court officials felt intervention was in the best interests of a child. If any offense committed was secondary to the offender. While parents patriae was designed to handle youth committing crime, the discretion of the philosophy became way broader and was constantly debated in court. A number of cases ensued, which in turn, helped the juvenile justice system …show more content…
This a process called “direct file.” An additional option is to file a fitness petition in juvenile court, which means that a hearing is held to determine whether the minor is unfit for rehabilitation in the juvenile system. For a fitness hearing, Probation completes a report that analyzes a number of criteria to assist the court in determining whether or not the juvenile is fit for juvenile court. Under the California law, a juvenile involved has to be at least fourteen years old for either of these options.
When a case is sent over to the District Attorney’s Office to be heard in juvenile court, the process is different than what you would find in the adult court system. In juvenile justice system, a minor can be accused of a crime but is not criminally liable. The intention is that the mistakes made as a minor, even if serious, do not stick with the youth throughout their lives. This gives them a chance to get back on track before they enter adulthood. This is one of the main reasons why juvenile court proceedings are not open to the