3 1 Introduction . 3 2 Workers Organisation - A Necessity and its Realisation in India . 3 3 History of Indian Trade Union . 3 4 Labour Legislation . 3 5 Trade Union and Related Legislation . 3 6 Functions of Unions . 3 7 Objectives of Trade Unions . 3 8 Reasons for Workers to Join Trade Unions . 39 Essentials of a Successful Trade Union . 3 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Trade Unions .0 3 1 Patterns and Structure of Unions in India .1 3.12 Types of Unions 3.13 Factors Affecting the Growth of Trade Unions 3.14 Statutory Necessities of Trade Unions.
The institution of Trade union, though comparatively recent in origin has become a powerful force by way of its direct influence in the social and economic life of industrial workers. Sydney and Beatrice Webb considered Trade Unionism to be "the extension of the principle of democracy in the sphere of industry". ' Unfortunately this broad idea is weakened by causes not too far to seek;
multiplicity of unions, placing political ideology before economic interests and to some extent insufficient leadership. Since the conflict, or co-operation between workers and management is greatly influenced by the nature of the workers organisation and the processes that induce their structure, study of Trade Union becomes a critical topic in the industrial relations area. In this chapter an effort is made to study the origin of Trade Unions in lndia, the nature and pattern of unions, the relations within the unions, its consequences for the structure and behaviour of Trade Unions in the Industry and the implications they leave to be marked and provide in the years to come.
3.2 Workers Organisation
- A Necessity and its Realisations in lndia
Trade Un~ons are the product of large scale industrialisation and concentration of industries. Before the advent of industrialisation there were
personal contracts between the employers and the
References: 1. G B Ramanujan, Story of Indian Inrhotrr, Everest Press, Delh~, 1986,p.400. 2. ~ a r i ~ a n , '3, u l ~ p.161, July 29, 1983, p.216 ~ 1937, 3 Lnhoti~~./otrrnal, September 1979, pp.. 1673-1681 20 50