Cultures usually are represented by food, clothes, and behaviors. According to Ochoa, a professor of History and Latin American Studies at California University, the European colonization in 1492 was the main reason by which the American traditional food have been reconstructed (Ochoa). Some countries that were colonized had to change some of their habits because the settlers used to go to these countries and bring their habits and cultural values. To illustrate, Angola was colonized by the Portuguese; during that process, Angolan citizens had to accept all duties from Portuguese and adjust to new costumes such as a new way to dress, to cook and even to speak. …show more content…
The reason why U.S.A lost the majority of its traditional food is because the country is intercontinental. A long time, many people from various regions leave their original places to start a new life in U.S.A. These people implemented their original food in the U.S.A gastronomy; for this reason, Unites State has many food from different countries, for example pasta that is from Italy. However, even though U.S.A had adopted new kinds of food, the country did not lose its traditional food; barbecue and pie