Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506)
Born in Italy, Columbus was an explorer who first set to sea as a teenager, where he eventually made Portugal his base.
In the 15th Century when he sailed from Spain it appears he had three very important ships that sailed with him. In an article on the ‘marine in sight’ website the writer suggests that is was ‘an era where ships were the only fastest mode of transport to travel across the world, Christopher Columbus Ships revolutionized the entire concept of ship travel completely.’ (
You were indeed right to congratulate me when my father gave me permission to travel in Italy. Nine months in this delicious country have done more for me than all the sage lessons, which books, or men formed by books, could, have taught me. It was my imagination that needed correction, and nothing but travel could have produced this effect”
M. Pfister, (1996) The Fatal Gift of Beauty: The Italies of British Travellers. An Annotated Anthology P.86
James Boswell (1740-1795) was an advocate, diarist, journalist and traveller. In 1764 he himself went on the Grand Tour around Europe, the quote above is from one of his letters to friend and philosopher Rousseau. (
Here he states that in nine months he has learned more through travelling than all the books he had ever or could ever read. In saying that his imagination needed correction, I feel he means that being away and travelling opens the mind- the imagination.
You were indeed right to congratulate me when my father gave me permission to travel in Italy. Nine months in this delicious country have done more for me than all the sage lessons, which books, or men formed by books, could, have taught me. It was my imagination that needed correction, and nothing but travel could have produced this