Multiple Choice Only
Essays are still optional and worth two points each
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. The principal idea that guided the Congress of Vienna was: a. | the creed of economic and political liberalism. | b. | the restoration of the French monarchy. | c. | the principle of legitimacy. | d. | the utilitarianism of the Benthamites. |
____ 2. The Troppau Memorandum, which was signed by Russia, Prussia, and Austria, called upon the signatories to aid one another in: a. | times of economic depression. | b. | repelling a foreign invasion. | c. | waging an offensive war. | d. | suppressing revolution. |
____ 3. The revolutions in South America were aided in 1823 when the United States issued the: a. | Doctrine of Manifest Destiny. | b. | Monroe Doctrine. | c. | Jefferson/Jackson Doctrine. | d. | Treaty of La Plata. |
____ 4. The Decembrist Revolt of 1825 was: a. | a direct response to the formation of the Third Section. | b. | led by army officers obsessed with Jacobin republicanism. | c. | caused by the assassination of Nicholas I. | d. | initiated by an elite corps of Russian army officers. |
____ 5. The Greek war of independence: a. | pitted various Greek groups against the Ottoman Turks. | b. | was both peaceful and bloodless. | c. | led to the repeal of the London Protocols. | d. | resulted in the destruction of the Ottoman empire. |
____ 6. Nineteenth-century liberals were least concerned with the: a. | relationship between the individual and the state. | b. | economic well-being of the middle classes. | c. | reform of the legal codes. | d. | plight of the agricultural laborers. |
____ 7. The utopian socialist Robert Owen put his beliefs into practice in his cotton factory in: a. | Middleville, Massachusetts. | b. | Fourier, Provence. | c. | New Lanark, Scotland. |