Now that they actually started thinking twice between slaves and what they stand for. Soon the laws began to differentiate between races: the association of “servitude for natural life” with people of African descent became common.
So now that there was a ground stand between slaves and servants actually a big difference. Indentured Servants were temporarily and slaves were permanent . Servants could pay off their labor and slaves could not, they had no choice but to work their life off. Servants had rights, they Could sue in court, they Could own property, they Could appeal to court for mistreatment. Slaves still had right but not like the indentured servants they could get there education, they could get married, and raise kids as long as the work. If the servants kept breaking the law they could be enslaved and pay off a crime they did. Basically after 1660 the lives of the poor African people changed. Obviously slaves were mess treated and harshly punished more than the servants. There was some punishments for the white servants like if they tried to run away with a black slave the white servants had to serve more double the amount of his labor. There was a case that lead to that law. There