2. Give two contemporary or personal examples of Christopher Lasch’s quote on pg 1.
To me the past does matter because that makes you who you are now even though sometimes you try to ignore it your past will always stick by you. For example I didn’t have a happy childhood, it was full of arguments and abuses. I learned from my mom’s mistakes to not stick around and let a man abuses you in anyway. Another example losing my brother was probably the worst way to learn to cherish those you have today but that’s the past and somehow some way you learn from your past. 4. According to Moyers, what happened to the optimistic view of history as a “pattern of improving civilization? “Were we all really optimistic? Were just certain groups optimistic, i.e. were blacks, Hispanics, the poor ever optimistic?
I don’t think we are all optimistic its ok to think that way but I think it’s just because the upper men like congress and the president have to think that way always that they makes us people think that way also to give us hope. But like the blacks and Hispanics yea I think they were optimistic because Obama gave them hope but then since really hasn’t fulfilled his duty that he promised their optimism went down. What Moyers says in the article he says how the pattern of history just kept doing down that we lost control of our economy because after World War 1 that’s when we got a cloud over the government. Each president we had failed to improve and that’s why our optimism staggered.
5. Do you think we can learn from the past, or have our circumstances changed so dramatically that the past is irrelevant? Explain your position.
We have learned from the past and we will always learn from the past because from present to past we have developed a better country but I do think our circumstances have changed a bit. It may the president we have or our people who have forgotten about history. Now we always had the problem of racism but I think it has