Destruction of cities
R1- ‘killing approximately 66,000 civilians’.
-They ‘would find that their homes had been destroyed’.
R2-fire marshals digging through rubble
-Big buildings being destroyed
Everyone was affected
R1-‘men,woman and children would mean the shattering of a normal life’
-‘people found ‘their world was turned upside down’’
R2-Arnold Tabbs ‘parents have been killed, his home devastated and his dog has just died’
-There are fire marshals digging through the rubble-they have to do their job.
Both talk about the Blitz
R1-‘The bombardment, or Blitz, of British cities by the Luftwaffe between September 1940 and may 1941’.
R2-‘The Blitz Kid’
-Search lights from Britain
-nearly everything has been destroyed in the background.
Against the idea of Blitz sprit
‘Illusion’ ‘hides the fact that there was a growing disenchantment in urban area.’
‘The Government, using the Ministry of Information would give an outward appearance that all was well.’
‘Sleepless nights due to the bombing eventually wore away at morale.’
Tells us the names of the bombed cities. -’Coventry…Southampton... .’
Support Blitz spirit
‘Battles on’ shows determination even though he has lost a lot. Give encouragement to the target audience.
Shows that people are willing to help as there are fire marshals digging in the background.
Blitz spirit
R1-‘forms of public propaganda ...which suggested high spirits’.
R2-Arnold Tabbs ‘battles on’
Extent of damaged cities and misery
R1-‘Coventry, and other industrial cities…’
R2- Fire in the background, destruction
Blitz spirit
Blitz sprit is being ‘idolised’ and ‘mythologised’
Focus on hope and determination –‘Arnold Tabbs battled on as German bombs rain down on his home town’
Occasional turmoil
‘sleepless nights’
Worries about the ability to purchase food ,the general cost of living and the lack of news from the government all contributed to a state of low morale’. R2-
‘Parents have been killed’, ‘Home devastated, ‘Dog has just died’, Buildings are collapsing.
Dangerous time
R1-‘raid mainly concentrated on urban industrial cities and ports’, ’Homes had been destroyed’
R2-destruction everywhere, fire marshal have to help bring safety.
‘The Government, using the Ministry of Information would give an outward appearance that all was well.’
Hunter believes the Blitz have been mythologised as a popular memory, ‘one of Britain’s finest moments’
-to entertain, so people would buy the comic
-It is not meant to be a historic account
-get children interested