Who is a Jew?
Most Mischlinge didn’t even consider themselves Jewish, but rather, faithful German citizens “felt shocked that their ancestry suddenly disqualified them from serving (82)”
“For Mischlinge, the concept of being half-German was just as foreign as ‘being half-Jewish or trying to explain to someone why you’re half-circumcised’ (28)”
“[T]ens of thousands of German-Jews were not Jews at all in their own eyes (18)”
“felt German and believed in Germany’s destiny (73)”
Should I be called a Nazi because my uncle, Hermann Kruger, was an Ortsgruppenleiter of the NSDAP? The answer is no just as much as it’s no that I’m a Jew (11)”
“There was no such thing as being half-Catholic or half-Protestant, and the Nazi laws made just as little sense (28)”
Halakah - Jewishness inherited from mother
“Jewish fathers were more likely to feel a connection with Judaism than those with Jewish mothers… This fact shows that Halakah in many respects was out of step with social reality (32)”
Ostjuden vs. German Jews
“Ostjuden simply represented all that many German Jews had fought to distance themselves from (13)”
“Self-interest, arrogance and narcissism (on the individual and organizational levels) within our own people threaten to achieve what our worst enemies could not (10)”
Social rejection
“shunned by both ends of the social spectrum in Nazi Germany (36)”
“forced to accept their ‘new’ identity (37)”
“Mischlinge who had contact with Jewish relatives or observed some Jewish practices in their own homes understood Nazi persecution better, or at least knew where it was coming from, because they felt somewhat Jewish (32)”
“The alienation the Nazis forced Mischlinge to experience was painful, especially since most, until Hitler became chancellor, were accepted by mainstream society. Many still feel a sense of loss - a permanent estrangement (38)” persecution forced many to “look at Hitler and his policies more