
Hitler And Mussolini Research Paper

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Hitler And Mussolini Research Paper
Mussolini and Hitler were great friends and allies. Hitler had great admiration for Mussolini and Italy, he considered Italy one of the natural friends of his new Germany. He admired Italy 's art and even stated, "My dearest wish would be to be able to wander about Italy as an unknown painter." (Qtd in Bosworth, 300) Mussolini had great respect for Hitler and was envious of the Germans success, he hoped to one day have as much power as Hitler. They had a very close relationship.

Italian Fascism and German Nazism were greatly alike. They both called for national regeneration, one all-powerful leader or dictator and a government based on terror or fear. Both Mussolini and Hitler hated liberalism. Mussolini once said "Representative systems belong rather to mechanical than to a moral system... No one can see where the people begins and where it ends. It a purely abstract entity... This in not and there never has been such a thing as government by
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Art exhibits were created in both Italy and Germany showing art from the other country. Youth groups were also

created and radios held combined transmission for schools, using the broadcasts to foster personal contacts between the children though pen-pal arrangements. One Italian boy listener was alleged to have written: "I am proud that my people and friendly with yours, because nowadays our two people are strong and decisive and are destined together to dominate the world." (Qtd in Bosworth, 408)

Mussolini and Hitler began to regularly exchange letters and visit each other. Their first trip was in June 1934 when they went to Venice. The trip Mussolini took to Germany in 1937, despite him having to watch Göring, one of the leading members of the Nazi party play with his colossal toy train set, was proof of Hitler and Mussolini 's bond growing closer. Hitler and Mussolini often went to art museums together. By 1944 they would have already met up for the sixteenth

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