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remembered that it was Röhm that had put us into the camp that is meant to educate us egotistical Marxists into good Nazis (Moeller 70).
Initially, I was against the education and rehabilitation, but I realized it was pointless to fight in the camp, for conversion to Nazism was my only ticket out (Moeller 70). The momentarily conversion into a Nazi and into adapting all the Nazi ideology, intensified my hatred towards both Hitler and Röhm. Therefore, the news of the death of Röhm seems amusing to most communists, especially myself. However, I am also ambivalent of whether I am more thrilled or pitiful, for I know that the marginalized homosexuals suffered greater blows, as their nature is publicly known to be the cause of his death. Moreover, about 200 anti-Nazis accompanied Röhm’s into his deathbed, which make the
purge increasingly unfavorable. Furthermore, I am troubled by the idea that the “Night of the Long Knives” had gained Hitler sympathy from the population, for his action was considered orderly and respectable (Moeller 78). I am quite certain that homosexuality is not the only cause of Röhm’s death, for it is also Hitler’s intention of having the SA under his control. Why are the Nazi Sympathizers unable to see through his action? For that reason, I despise the population for their condemnation and prejudice against the Jews, the marginalized and the weaker individuals in society, and I cannot seem to fathom their obsessions with this toxic regime. It truly made me question whether sanity still lies in the mind of the German people.